Thursday, August 7, 2008

Valley of the Sun

I just returned late Monday from the 2008 GCLS convention in Phoenix, Arizona. It was God-awful hot, but one of the best conventions I've attended in a while. Our keynote speaker was Katherine V. Forrest, someone every lesbian reader or writer hopes to meet before they die. She was very interesting and gave much insight to the workings of lesbian publishers and what their editors are looking for. I had a chance to speak to her briefly and found her to be very kind and warm. I met many old friends from past conventions and writers I've known for quite a while. It was a gigantic family reunion in many ways.

It was a huge weekend for my publisher, Regal Crest Enterprises. Not really considered one of the "big boys," they proved that even the smallest publishing houses are now putting out quality literature for the lesbian audience. RCE had eleven nominees as finalists for the annual Goldie Awards. K.E. Lane won an award in the Romance Category, Debut Author Category, and the Ann Bannon Popular Choice Award (which is voted on by the readers only) for her wonderful book And Playing the Role of Herself. I don't read many romance novels, so if I think it's good, it's probably great. Paula Offutt won in the Debut Author category for Butch Girls Can Fix Anything. Jane Vollbrecht won in the Dramatic General Fiction Category for In Broad Daylight. Nann Dunne won the GCLS Director's Award for her contributions tlesbian literature. I was fortunate enough to be chosen for an award in the Mystery Category for Redress of Grievances. It wouldn't be too strong a statement to say we celebrate late into the night. I highly recommend these books for your reading pleasure as well as the other RCE nominees: In the Blood by Rick R. Reed, Lavender Secrets by Sandra Barret, Shimmer and Other Stories by Lori L. Lake, Come This Way by Victor J. Banis, and Face of the Enemy by Sandra Barret. It would ahve been great if we could ahve won in every category, but maybe next year.

I came home with a renewed sense of why I write other than to entertain myself. I love writing, but knowing there are others who appreciate the work that goes into producing a worthwhile story makes it even sweeter.

I'll post again soon, just as soon as I manage to come back down from the mountaintop.

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