Friday, July 25, 2008

Counting the Days

There's just five days left before I fly off to Phoenix for the GCLS convention. My publisher called and said she decided to attend at the last minute and since we'll both be batchin' it, it looks like the casino will be our main hang-out. I've read two of the three manuscripts I'm mentoring this year. Overall, there is a story, but they need a little help. Then again, don't we all. Considering it took me twelve years to get my first book written and submitted, I really can't talk. Guess I should have been more aggressive, but never figured anyone would actually publish the damn thing.

I'm pretty excited about hearing Katherine Forrest speak since she's the guru of lesbian literature. Of all the "oldie" writers, I must say I enjoyed her books the most, especially her detective series. They actually have a story without a truckload of gratuitous sex. It always ticks me off that so many lesbian writers think readers won't read their work unless there are twenty solid pages of sex thrown in there. Call me old-fashioned, but the journey to the bedroom is usually more erotic than the activites in the bedroom. Leave a little something to the readers' imagination! Oh, I forget. Not everyone grew up in the pre-television days like I did where you actually had to have an imagination. :) There were some great radio shows back in the day, as if you needed any more proof of my age! I recently read somewhere that 60 is the new 40. That was certainly encouraging. After all, age is nothing more than a state of mind and if you think you're old, you probably are. To me 16 seems as if it were only yesterday.

I'm supposed to be painting a recent renovation to our house, but can't get up the enthusiasm for it right now. I'm waiting for someone to come by and replace a cracked window and don't want to have to stop working once I get a full head of steam going. I have a meeting for work right after lunch and am not too excited about that, other than getting lunch somewhere. I have almost a month of vacation time remaining and hate giving up even an hour of it while I'm off. I enjoy working with the kids, but the adults drive me freakin' crazy!

So, wish me well on my journey next Wednesday. My time between flights is pretty short and one airline is all the way across the DFW terminal from the other one. Hopefully the tram will be functioning and move quickly. Wish I'd paid more attention to the layover time when I booked the flights. Oh well, it keeps life exciting. I'll have a full report once I return. Until then, take care and keep writing.

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